On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool busctl. If the
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Busctl is a command-line tool in Linux used for monitoring and controlling the D-Bus system bus. It allows users to interact with the bus and explore various aspects of the bus and its connected services.
- With busctl, users can view the list of available bus names and their corresponding processes.
- It provides an overview of bus objects, interfaces, and properties for each service running on the system bus.
- Users can use busctl to introspect remote processes and obtain information about the supported interfaces and methods.
- It offers options to watch for signals emitted by specific objects or interfaces, keeping track of events in real-time.
- Users can query and manipulate bus units, including enabling or disabling services and checking their status.
- Busctl provides various commands such as "call" to invoke remote methods on D-Bus services.
- It allows users to call methods with specific input parameters and receive output from the remote service.
- Users can also monitor the message bus and track sent and received messages between different processes.
- Busctl supports examining and modifying the security policies associated with D-Bus services.
- It provides a comprehensive and powerful interface for managing and interacting with the D-Bus system bus in a command-line environment.
List of commands for busctl:
busctl:tldr:02b48 busctl: Dump messages being exchanged. If no service is specified, show all messages on the bus.$ busctl monitor ${service1 service2 ---}try on your machineexplain this command
busctl:tldr:94948 busctl: Show an object tree of one or more services (or all services if no service is specified).$ busctl tree ${service1 service2 ---}try on your machineexplain this command
busctl:tldr:9e546 busctl: Show interfaces, methods, properties and signals of the specified object on the specified service.$ busctl introspect ${service} ${path-to-object}try on your machineexplain this command
busctl:tldr:b20f0 busctl: Retrieve the current value of one or more object properties.$ busctl get-property ${service} ${path-to-object} ${interface_name} ${property_name}try on your machineexplain this command
busctl:tldr:bdbdd busctl: Invoke a method and show the response.$ busctl call ${service} ${path-to-object} ${interface_name} ${method_name}try on your machineexplain this command
busctl:tldr:e0a68 busctl: Show process information and credentials of a bus service, a process, or the owner of the bus (if no parameter is specified).$ busctl status ${select}try on your machineexplain this command
busctl:tldr:e5722 busctl: Show all peers on the bus, by their service names.$ busctl listtry on your machineexplain this command