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busctl: Invoke a method and show the response.
$ busctl call ${service} ${path-to-object} ${interface_name} ${method_name}
try on your machine

The command "busctl call" is used to make method calls on objects exposed by a service on D-Bus, a message bus system used for interprocess communication in Linux. Here is an explanation of each parameter of the command:

  • ${service}: This specifies the service name or unique bus name of the D-Bus service you want to communicate with. It identifies the target service where the object is located.

  • ${path-to-object}: This parameter represents the object path of the D-Bus object you want to interact with. The object path specifies the location of the object within the D-Bus service.

  • ${interface_name}: This is the D-Bus interface name of the object you want to call a method on. An interface defines a set of messages and method signatures that can be used to communicate with the object.

  • ${method_name}: This is the name of the method you want to invoke on the specified object. The method name represents the action or functionality you want to trigger on the object.

Overall, the "busctl call" command allows you to interact with D-Bus services and objects by calling their methods and passing any required parameters.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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