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List of commands for buzzphrase:

  • buzzphrase:tldr:4f6a7 buzzphrase: Output a phrase formatted as [i]mperative verb + past tense [v]erb + [a]djective + plural [N]oun.
    $ buzzphrase ${'{i} {v} {a} {N}'}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • buzzphrase:tldr:61d96 buzzphrase: Generate a string of three random phrases containing an adjective, a past tense verb and a plural noun.
    $ buzzphrase
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • buzzphrase:tldr:9a827 buzzphrase: Output 4 phrases formatted as present participle [V]erb + [a]djective + singular [n]oun + [f]inal.
    $ buzzphrase ${4 '{V} {a} {n} {f}'}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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