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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool buzzphrase. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Buzzphrase is a command line tool that generates random, business buzzword-filled phrases. It is designed to be a fun and humorous tool to create nonsensical buzzphrases commonly found in corporate environments.

When using the buzzphrase tool, you can simply run the command and it will generate a random buzzphrase that combines various business jargons and buzzwords. These phrases often sound impressive and important, but they hold no real meaning.

Buzzphrase can be used in various scenarios, such as generating random phrases for entertainment purposes, creating placeholder text for mockups or prototypes, or simply bringing humor to a technical or business environment.

Overall, buzzphrase is a lighthearted command line tool that helps add some fun and laughter by creating amusing and nonsensical business phrases.

List of commands for buzzphrase:

  • buzzphrase:tldr:4f6a7 buzzphrase: Output a phrase formatted as [i]mperative verb + past tense [v]erb + [a]djective + plural [N]oun.
    $ buzzphrase ${'{i} {v} {a} {N}'}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • buzzphrase:tldr:61d96 buzzphrase: Generate a string of three random phrases containing an adjective, a past tense verb and a plural noun.
    $ buzzphrase
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • buzzphrase:tldr:9a827 buzzphrase: Output 4 phrases formatted as present participle [V]erb + [a]djective + singular [n]oun + [f]inal.
    $ buzzphrase ${4 '{V} {a} {n} {f}'}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview