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bzfgrep: Search for lines matching the list of search strings separated by new lines in a compressed file (case-insensitive).
$ bzfgrep --ignore-case "${search_string}" ${filename}
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The command bzfgrep --ignore-case "${search_string}" ${filename} is used to search for a specific pattern in a compressed file using bzfgrep, while ignoring case sensitivity.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • bzfgrep is a command-line tool used to search for specific patterns in compressed files (files with .bz2 extension).

  • --ignore-case is an option/flag provided to bzfgrep that tells it to ignore case sensitivity during the search. For example, if the search pattern is "apple" and the file contains "ApPle" or "APPLE", those instances will be considered a match.

  • "${search_string}" is a placeholder for the pattern you want to search for. Replace ${search_string} with the actual pattern you want to find within the file.

  • ${filename} is a placeholder for the name/location of the compressed file you want to search within. Replace ${filename} with the actual path or file name you want to search within.

When you execute this command, bzfgrep will start searching for the specified pattern (with case insensitivity if --ignore-case is provided) within the specified compressed file. It will then output any matching lines that contain the pattern.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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