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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool bzfgrep. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "bzfgrep" is a utility used for searching text within bzip2-compressed files. It is similar to the "grep" command, but specifically designed to work with files that have been compressed using the bzip2 algorithm.

The "bzfgrep" command allows you to perform pattern matching and searching operations on compressed files without having to first decompress them. This can save time and disk space, especially when dealing with large files or archives.

To use "bzfgrep", you specify the pattern you want to search for, along with the name of the bzip2-compressed file. The tool will then search the compressed file for occurrences of the pattern and display the matching lines.

Here's an example of how to use "bzfgrep" command:

bzfgrep "Hello" file.txt.bz2

In this example, the tool will search for the pattern "Hello" within the compressed file "file.txt.bz2" and display the lines that contain the matching pattern.

Overall, "bzfgrep" is a handy command line tool for searching text within bzip2-compressed files, providing a convenient way to analyze and extract information from compressed data without the need for prior decompression.

List of commands for bzfgrep:

  • bzfgrep:tldr:2cddc bzfgrep: Search for lines that do not match the list of search strings separated by new lines in a compressed file.
    $ bzfgrep --invert-match "${search_string}" ${filename}
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  • bzfgrep:tldr:5e669 bzfgrep: Search for lines matching the list of search strings separated by new lines in a compressed file (case-insensitive).
    $ bzfgrep --ignore-case "${search_string}" ${filename}
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  • bzfgrep:tldr:8776b bzfgrep: Search for lines matching the list of search strings separated by new lines in a compressed file (case-sensitive).
    $ bzfgrep "${search_string}" ${filename}
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  • bzfgrep:tldr:b4459 bzfgrep: Recursively search files in a bzip2 compressed tar archive for the given list of strings.
    $ bzfgrep --recursive "${search_string}" ${filename}
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  • bzfgrep:tldr:e0c5d bzfgrep: Print file name and line number for each match.
    $ bzfgrep --with-filename --line-number "${search_string}" ${filename}
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  • bzfgrep:tldr:f269f bzfgrep: Search for lines matching a pattern, printing only the matched text.
    $ bzfgrep --only-matching "${search_string}" ${filename}
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