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bzfgrep: Search for lines matching the list of search strings separated by new lines in a compressed file (case-sensitive).
$ bzfgrep "${search_string}" ${filename}
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The command bzfgrep "${search_string}" ${filename} is used to search for lines containing a given string of characters within a file compressed using Bzip2.

Here's a breakdown of each component of the command:

  • bzfgrep: This is the command used to search for a string within a Bzip2 compressed file. It is similar to the fgrep command used for searching uncompressed files but is specifically designed for Bzip2 files.
  • ${search_string}: This is a variable that holds the string of characters you want to search for within the file. The ${...} syntax is used to access the value of the variable.
  • ${filename}: This is a variable that holds the name of the Bzip2 compressed file you want to search within. Just like the search string, the ${...} syntax is used to access the value of the variable.

By running this command, the system will search for lines within the Bzip2 compressed file (specified by ${filename}) that contain the characters stored in ${search_string}. It will then display those lines as output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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