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cargo-add: Add the latest version of a dependency to the current project.
$ cargo add ${dependency}
try on your machine

The command "cargo add ${dependency}" is a command used with the Rust package manager, Cargo, to add a new dependency to a Rust project.

In this command, "${dependency}" is a placeholder that should be replaced by the name of the actual dependency you want to add. For example, if you want to add the "serde" crate as a dependency, you would replace "${dependency}" with "serde".

When you run this command, Cargo will locate and download the specified dependency from the central package repository, It will then update the project's "Cargo.toml" file to include the newly added dependency in the "[dependencies]" section. The manifest file ("Cargo.toml") is used by Cargo to manage the project dependencies, and it keeps track of all the dependencies your project relies on.

After running the "cargo add" command, Cargo will also automatically update the "Cargo.lock" file. This file ensures that the exact versions of the dependencies you are using are locked for consistent builds across different environments. By updating the "Cargo.lock" file, it ensures that other developers working on the same project will get the same dependencies when building the project.

Overall, the "cargo add ${dependency}" command simplifies the process of adding dependencies to your Rust project by automatically downloading and managing the dependencies for you.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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