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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cargo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Cargo is a command-line tool and package manager for Rust, a safe and concurrent programming language. It helps developers to manage creating, building, and sharing Rust projects effectively. Here are some key features and functionalities of Cargo:

  1. Dependency Management: Cargo allows you to define and manage dependencies for your Rust projects using the Cargo.toml configuration file. It can automatically fetch and build required dependencies from various sources, such as the official Rust package registry ( or Git repositories.

  2. Build System: Cargo provides a build system that automatically compiles your Rust code into executable binaries or libraries. It handles compilation, linking, and dependency resolution. Additionally, it supports incremental compilation, which speeds up the development process by only recompiling modified code.

  3. Testing and Benchmarking: Cargo provides built-in support for running tests and benchmarks for your Rust projects. You can define unit tests, integration tests, and even doctests within your code. Cargo can execute these tests and generate detailed reports.

  4. Project Initialization: Cargo allows you to quickly create new Rust projects using the cargo new command, which sets up a basic directory structure and initializes a default Cargo.toml file. This makes it easy to start new projects and makes sure they follow best practices.

  5. Documentation Generation: With the cargo doc command, Cargo can generate documentation for your Rust code based on code comments written in Markdown. It automatically generates an HTML version of the documentation that includes modules, functions, types, and their documentation.

  6. Publish and Share: Cargo makes it simple to publish your Rust packages to the official package registry, This allows other developers to easily discover and use your packages in their projects.

Overall, Cargo is an integral part of the Rust ecosystem, providing project management, building, testing, and dependency management capabilities. It streamlines the development process and allows developers to focus on writing safe and efficient Rust code.

List of commands for cargo:

  • cargo-add:tldr:1f337 cargo-add: Add a dependency and enable one or more specific features.
    $ cargo add ${dependency} --features ${feature_1},${feature_2}
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  • cargo-add:tldr:371d4 cargo-add: Add a development or build dependency.
    $ cargo add ${dependency} --${select}
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  • cargo-add:tldr:4e610 cargo-add: Add the latest version of a dependency to the current project.
    $ cargo add ${dependency}
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  • cargo-add:tldr:58df0 cargo-add: Add a local crate as a dependency.
    $ cargo add --path ${path-to-crate}
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  • cargo-add:tldr:97ac4 cargo-add: Add a dependency with all default features disabled.
    $ cargo add ${dependency} --no-default-features
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  • cargo-add:tldr:ca754 cargo-add: Add a specific version of a dependency.
    $ cargo add ${dependency}@${version}
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  • cargo-add:tldr:ec1bc cargo-add: Add an optional dependency, which then gets exposed as a feature of the crate.
    $ cargo add ${dependency} --optional
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  • cargo-build:tldr:15d47 cargo-build: Require that `Cargo.lock` is up to date.
    $ cargo build --locked
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  • cargo-build:tldr:348e1 cargo-build: Build a specific package.
    $ cargo build --package ${package}
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  • cargo-build:tldr:5bdd3 cargo-build: Build only the specified test target.
    $ cargo build --test ${testname}
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  • cargo-build:tldr:92604 cargo-build: Build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations.
    $ cargo build --release
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  • cargo-build:tldr:9b21d cargo-build: Build the package or packages defined by the `Cargo.toml` manifest file in the local path.
    $ cargo build
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  • cargo-build:tldr:b5f96 cargo-build: Build only the specified binary.
    $ cargo build --bin ${name}
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  • cargo-build:tldr:e3db4 cargo-build: Build all packages in the workspace.
    $ cargo build --workspace
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  • cargo-clippy:tldr:3829f cargo-clippy: Run checks for a package.
    $ cargo clippy --package ${package}
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  • cargo-clippy:tldr:3915e cargo-clippy: Apply Clippy suggestions automatically.
    $ cargo clippy --fix
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  • cargo-clippy:tldr:59dae cargo-clippy: Require that `Cargo.lock` is up to date.
    $ cargo clippy --locked
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  • cargo-clippy:tldr:de155 cargo-clippy: Run checks on all packages in the workspace.
    $ cargo clippy --workspace
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  • cargo-clippy:tldr:e19cc cargo-clippy: Run checks over the code in the current directory.
    $ cargo clippy
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  • cargo-doc:tldr:17bec cargo-doc: Build documentation without accessing the network.
    $ cargo doc --offline
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  • cargo-doc:tldr:548d2 cargo-doc: View a particular package's documentation.
    $ cargo doc --open --package ${package}
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  • cargo-doc:tldr:6457f cargo-doc: View a particular package's documentation offline.
    $ cargo doc --open --offline --package ${package}
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  • cargo-doc:tldr:fa25e cargo-doc: Build and view the default package documentation in the browser.
    $ cargo doc --open
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  • cargo-rustc:tldr:16bb5 cargo-rustc: Build the package or packages defined by the `Cargo.toml` manifest file in the current working directory.
    $ cargo rustc
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  • cargo-rustc:tldr:44077 cargo-rustc: Build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations.
    $ cargo rustc --release
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  • cargo-rustc:tldr:7346b cargo-rustc: Build only the specified binary.
    $ cargo --bin ${name}
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  • cargo-rustc:tldr:b9eb1 cargo-rustc: Build a specific package.
    $ cargo rustc --package ${package}
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  • cargo-test:tldr:7838d cargo-test: Run tests for a package.
    $ cargo test --package ${package}
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  • cargo-test:tldr:a72ad cargo-test: Test all packages in the workspace.
    $ cargo test --workspace
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  • cargo-test:tldr:a7b55 cargo-test: Test artifacts in release mode, with optimizations.
    $ cargo test --release
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  • cargo-test:tldr:e4fe6 cargo-test: Only run tests containing a specific string in their names.
    $ cargo test ${testname}
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  • cargo-test:tldr:f1292 cargo-test: Require that `Cargo.lock` is up to date.
    $ cargo test --locked
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  • cargo:tldr:123c7 cargo: Build the rust project in the current directory using the nightly compiler.
    $ cargo +nightly build
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  • cargo:tldr:179b4 cargo: Create a new binary or library Rust project in the specified directory.
    $ cargo new ${path-to-directory} --${select}
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  • cargo:tldr:19abd cargo: Build using a specific number of threads (default is the number of CPU cores).
    $ cargo build --jobs ${number_of_threads}
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  • cargo:tldr:282b4 cargo: Install a crate.
    $ cargo install ${crate_name}
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  • cargo:tldr:8c8c6 cargo: Search for crates.
    $ cargo search ${search_string}
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  • cargo:tldr:bb316 cargo: List installed crates.
    $ cargo install --list
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  • cargo:tldr:fcdf0 cargo: Create a new binary or library Rust project in the current directory.
    $ cargo init --${select}
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tool overview