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cargo-build: Build the package or packages defined by the `Cargo.toml` manifest file in the local path.
$ cargo build
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The command "cargo build" is used in Rust programming language with Cargo, the package manager and build system.

When you run "cargo build" in the command line, it instructs Cargo to compile the Rust source code in the current project, build a binary or library, and store the resulting artifacts in the target directory. It also resolves and downloads any necessary dependencies specified in the project's "Cargo.toml" file.

If there are any errors during the compilation process, such as syntax errors or missing dependencies, Cargo will display the error messages along with helpful suggestions on how to fix them.

In summary, the "cargo build" command compiles the Rust project and produces the executable or library file that can be executed or used by other programs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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