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cargo-build: Build all packages in the workspace.
$ cargo build --workspace
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The cargo build --workspace command is a way to build all the packages within a Cargo workspace.

In Rust, a workspace is a directory that contains multiple packages. A package is defined by a Cargo.toml file. Packages within a workspace can depend on each other, allowing code reuse and modular development.

When you run cargo build --workspace, it instructs the Cargo build system to compile all the packages in the current workspace. It will build each package based on its Cargo.toml file and generate the corresponding binaries or libraries.

This command is useful when you have a complex project with multiple packages and you need to build all of them at once. It ensures that each package's dependencies are resolved properly and the build is performed consistently across the entire workspace.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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