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cargo-clippy: Run checks over the code in the current directory.
$ cargo clippy
try on your machine

The command cargo clippy is used in the Rust programming language with the Cargo package manager. It runs the Clippy linter, which is a separate tool that helps identify and suggest improvements for common programming errors, style violations, and other potential issues in Rust code.

When you run cargo clippy, it analyzes your Rust code within a project and provides feedback based on various lint rules. These rules cover a wide range of potential problems, including non-idiomatic code, inefficient code, redundant code, excessive code complexity, and more.

When Clippy finds a lint violation, it displays a warning or an error message with suggestions on how to improve the code. The suggestions can be helpful for making your code more readable, maintainable, and performant.

Running cargo clippy is an optional step that you can use during the development process to catch potential issues and improve your Rust code according to best practices. It can be very useful in maintaining code quality and adherence to Rust community standards.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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