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cargo-test: Test all packages in the workspace.
$ cargo test --workspace
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The command "cargo test --workspace" is used in Rust package management tool, Cargo, to run all the tests in a workspace.

A workspace in Cargo is a directory that contains multiple packages, each in its own subdirectory. It allows you to manage multiple related packages as a single unit. In a workspace, you have a "Cargo.toml" file at the root level, which lists all the packages and their dependencies.

When you run the "cargo test --workspace" command, Cargo scans the workspace directory for packages and runs the test suite for each package found. It automatically detects the individual packages and their tests based on the "Cargo.toml" file.

This command is useful when you have multiple packages in your workspace, and you want to run the tests for all of them in a single command. It simplifies the process of testing multiple packages together, allowing you to ensure the overall health and compatibility of your workspace.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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