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cargo: Search for crates.
$ cargo search ${search_string}
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The command "cargo search ${search_string}" is used in Rust programming language and the Cargo package manager. It allows you to search for crates (libraries or packages) available on the official Rust package registry called "".

Here's how the command works:

  • "cargo" is the command-line tool used to manage Rust projects and dependencies. It is installed with the Rust programming language.
  • "search" is a subcommand of Cargo that allows you to search for crates on
  • "${search_string}" is a placeholder for the actual string you want to search for. You need to replace it with the keyword or package name you're looking for.

When you run the command, Cargo will connect to and search for crates matching the provided search string. It will return a list of crates that match the entered criteria, displaying the name, description, and version of each crate.

For example, if you run the command "cargo search json", it will search for crates related to JSON handling and display a list of crates with their details that match that keyword.

Note: You need to have an internet connection for this command to work as it fetches the data from the registry.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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