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cargo: List installed crates.
$ cargo install --list
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The command cargo install --list is used in the Cargo package manager, which is used for building and managing Rust projects.

This specific command is used to list all the packages that are already installed on your system using Cargo. When you run the command, Cargo looks for the installed packages and displays a formatted output with the name, version, and source of each installed package.

Here's an example of the output you may expect when running cargo install --list:

package 0.1.0 (executable)
package2 1.2.3 (library)

In this example, two packages are listed: package and package2. The first package is an executable, while the second package is a library. The numbers 0.1.0 and 1.2.3 represent the versions of the packages.

This command is useful for getting an overview of the installed packages on your system, especially if you want to check for outdated packages or need to verify which versions you have installed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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