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ceph: Self-repair pool storage.
$ ceph pg repair ${pool_name}
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The command "ceph pg repair ${pool_name}" is used to repair the placement groups (PGs) in a Ceph storage cluster for a specific pool.


  1. "ceph pg repair": This is the command to repair the placement groups in the Ceph storage cluster. PGs are logical units that distribute and manage data across OSDs (Object Storage Daemons) in the cluster. When PGs are damaged or inconsistent, data availability and performance can be affected.

  2. "${pool_name}": This is a placeholder for the name of the pool you want to repair. A pool in Ceph is a logical grouping of objects with similar characteristics or requirements. In this command, you need to replace "${pool_name}" with the actual name of the pool you want to repair.

When you execute this command, Ceph will initiate the repair process for the placement groups in the specified pool. The repair process may involve checking and repairing data inconsistencies, rebalancing data across OSDs, and ensuring that replicas of data are consistent across the storage cluster. The exact steps involved in the repair process depend on the specific state and configuration of the cluster.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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