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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ceph. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Ceph is a powerful command line tool used for managing distributed storage clusters. It provides a unified, scalable, and highly reliable storage solution for cloud computing and data-intensive applications. Ceph uses an object-based storage system, where data is stored as objects with unique identifiers (OIDs). This tool is designed to work over a wide range of hardware and network configurations, making it highly flexible and adaptable. Ceph's architecture is based on a distributed design, distributing data across multiple nodes in the cluster to ensure high availability and fault tolerance. With Ceph, data placement and rebalancing are automated, allowing for efficient usage of storage resources. The command line interface for Ceph provides administrators and users with a wide range of functionalities, including cluster management, monitoring, and data manipulation. Ceph's RADOS (Reliable Autonomic Distributed Object Store) serves as the underlying storage layer, providing fault tolerance and data durability. It supports various storage types, including block storage, object storage, and file storage, making it suitable for different use cases. Ceph is an open-source project that is actively developed and supported by a vibrant community, ensuring continuous improvement and innovation.

List of commands for ceph:

  • ceph:tldr:37bf8 ceph: Self-repair pool storage.
    $ ceph pg repair ${pool_name}
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  • ceph:tldr:50caa ceph: Delete a storage pool.
    $ ceph osd pool delete ${pool_name}
    try on your machine
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  • ceph:tldr:710d6 ceph: Create a storage pool.
    $ ceph osd pool create ${pool_name} ${page_number}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • ceph:tldr:d650b ceph: Check cluster health status.
    $ ceph status
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • ceph:tldr:eb1d9 ceph: Get the statistics for the placement groups in a cluster.
    $ ceph pg dump --format ${plain}
    try on your machine
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  • ceph:tldr:f50b2 ceph: Check cluster usage stats.
    $ ceph df
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  • ceph:tldr:f7c79 ceph: Rename a storage pool.
    $ ceph osd pool rename ${current_name} ${new_name}
    try on your machine
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tool overview