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List of commands for cf:

  • cf:tldr:02c8e cf: Log in to the Cloud Foundry API.
    $ cf login -a ${api_url}
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  • cf:tldr:2fcc1 cf: View a dump of recent app logs.
    $ cf logs ${app_name} --recent
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  • cf:tldr:7acf1 cf: Push an app using the default settings.
    $ cf push ${app_name}
    try on your machine
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  • cf:tldr:7e978 cf: Run a script whose code is included in the app, but runs independently.
    $ cf run-task ${app_name} "${script_command}" --name ${task_name}
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  • cf:tldr:c3e5c cf: Start an interactive SSH session with a VM hosting an app.
    $ cf ssh ${app_name}
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  • cf:tldr:c4118 cf: Connect an application to a service.
    $ cf bind-service ${app_name} ${service_name}
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  • cf:tldr:d1ab9 cf: Create a service instance.
    $ cf create-service ${service} ${plan} ${service_name}
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  • cf:tldr:eddb7 cf: View the services available from your organization.
    $ cf marketplace
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