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cgcreate: Create a new group with multiple cgroup types.
$ cgcreate -g ${group_type1},${group_type2}:${group_name}
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The command cgcreate -g ${group_type1},${group_type2}:${group_name} is used to create a new control group (cgroup) with the specified group types and name.

Here's an explanation of the command parts:

  • cgcreate: It is the command to create a new cgroup.
  • -g ${group_type1},${group_type2}: The -g option specifies the group types that will be created. ${group_type1} and ${group_type2} are placeholders for actual group types. Multiple group types can be specified using a comma-separated list.
  • ${group_name}: It is also a placeholder representing the desired name for the cgroup.

For example, if you want to create a cgroup with two group types: cpu and memory, and the name for the group is mygroup, the command would be:

cgcreate -g cpu,memory:mygroup

This command would create a cgroup named mygroup with both cpu and memory group types. You can replace cpu and memory with other valid group types as per your requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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