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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cgcreate. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


cgcreate is a command line tool in Linux that stands for "Cgroups Create". It is used to create and manage cgroups, which are a Linux kernel feature that allows resource allocation and control. Cgroups are used for assigning system resources, such as CPU, memory, and storage, to different groups or processes on a Linux system. The cgcreate command can be used to create a new cgroup with a specific name and hierarchy. It allows users to define resource limits and constraints for a group of processes. With cgcreate, it is possible to create separate resource groups, making it easier to manage and prioritize system resources. By integrating cgcreate with other tools, one can control and monitor the usage of resources by cgroups on a system. It works in conjunction with other cgroup-related tools and utilities such as cgconfig and cgset. Cgcreate provides a flexible way to organize and control resource allocation without the need for complex scripting. It is an essential tool for system administrators to optimize and manage the performance of Linux systems.

List of commands for cgcreate:

  • cgcreate:tldr:68219 cgcreate: Create a new group.
    $ cgcreate -g ${group_type}:${group_name}
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  • cgcreate:tldr:9095b cgcreate: Create a new group with multiple cgroup types.
    $ cgcreate -g ${group_type1},${group_type2}:${group_name}
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