The command "chcpu -e ${1-10}" is used to enable or disable multiple CPUs on a Linux system. Here's an explanation of the different components of this command: - "chcpu" is the command itself and refers to "change CPU" or modify CPU settings. - "-e" is an option or flag that indicates the action to be performed, which in this case is enabling or disabling CPUs. - "${1-10}" is a notation used to represent a range of CPU numbers. The "$1" refers to the first command-line argument passed to the script or command, and "10" is the default value used if no argument is provided. To understand it better, let's say you run this command without any arguments: chcpu -e ${1-10} In this case, it will enable or disable CPUs from CPU #1 to CPU #10. If you were to run the command with an argument like this: chcpu -e 5 It would enable or disable only CPU #5. This command is useful for managing CPU resources on multi-processor systems or to troubleshoot issues related to specific CPUs.