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chezmoi: Initialize chezmoi on your machine.
$ chezmoi init
try on your machine

The command "chezmoi init" is used to initialize and set up the configuration for the chezmoi tool. Chezmoi is a command-line utility that helps with managing dotfiles (configuration files) across multiple machines.

When you run "chezmoi init", it performs the following tasks:

  1. Creates a ".chezmoi" directory in your home directory, which will be used to store your dotfiles and other configuration data.

  2. Copies a template configuration file called "chezmoi.toml" into the ".chezmoi" directory. This file is used to define how you want to manage your dotfiles and contains various configuration options.

  3. Opens the "chezmoi.toml" file in your default text editor, allowing you to customize it according to your requirements. You can specify which dotfiles you want to track, any template variables you want to use, and other advanced configurations.

After you've customized the "chezmoi.toml" file and saved your changes, you can use other chezmoi commands (such as "chezmoi add", "chezmoi apply", etc.) to manage your dotfiles efficiently.

Overall, "chezmoi init" is the first step towards setting up chezmoi for managing your dotfiles.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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