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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool chezmoi. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Chezmoi is a powerful command-line tool designed to manage and organize dotfiles (also known as configuration files) across multiple computers running different operating systems (like macOS, Linux, and Windows). It provides a clean and efficient way to synchronize and deploy dotfiles to various machines, helping users maintain consistency and ease with their configurations.

Here are a few notable features and capabilities of chezmoi:

  1. Version Control: Chezmoi leverages a version control system, such as Git, to keep track of changes made to dotfiles, allowing users to easily revert and review any modifications.

  2. Template Engine: It includes a template engine to generate dynamic dotfiles. Users can use placeholders and variables to customize configurations based on specific machines or environments.

  3. Flexible Encryption: Chezmoi supports encrypting sensitive data within dotfiles, ensuring secure storage and transmission of private information while still being able to use it across different machines.

  4. Git Integration: It integrates seamlessly with Git, allowing you to manage dotfiles in a Git repository, push and pull changes from remote repositories, and collaborate with others.

  5. Idempotent Operations: Chezmoi performs idempotent operations, which means it only makes necessary changes and avoids unnecessary modifications to dotfiles, making it safe to run repeatedly without causing unnecessary disruption.

  6. Extensibility: It supports plugins and extensions, allowing users to extend and customize its functionality based on specific needs.

Overall, chezmoi provides a scalable and efficient solution for managing dotfiles, making it easier to maintain the same configurations across multiple machines and ensuring a consistent environment wherever you work.

List of commands for chezmoi:

  • chezmoi:tldr:37d62 chezmoi: Fetch the latest changes from a remote repository.
    $ chezmoi update
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • chezmoi:tldr:6af94 chezmoi: Initialize chezmoi on your machine.
    $ chezmoi init
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • chezmoi:tldr:8714f chezmoi: Apply the changes.
    $ chezmoi -v apply
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • chezmoi:tldr:aca19 chezmoi: See changes chezmoi would make.
    $ chezmoi diff
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • chezmoi:tldr:cef84 chezmoi: Tell chezmoi to manage a dotfile.
    $ chezmoi add ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • chezmoi:tldr:de443 chezmoi: Set chezmoi up on another machine by downloading existing dotfiles from a Git repository.
    $ chezmoi init ${https:--example-com-path-to-repository-git}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • chezmoi:tldr:efdbd chezmoi: Edit the source state of a tracked dotfile.
    $ chezmoi edit ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview