chezmoi: Apply the changes.
$ chezmoi -v apply
try on your machine
The command "chezmoi -v apply" is used to apply the configuration from your dotfiles repository to your local machine using Chezmoi.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
- "chezmoi" refers to the Chezmoi executable, which is a dotfile manager and templater.
- "-v" is a flag that stands for "verbose." It enables verbose mode and provides more detailed output, allowing you to see the changes being made during the apply process.
- "apply" is a subcommand that tells Chezmoi to apply the configuration. It reads the files and folders specified in your dotfiles repository and applies them to the corresponding locations on your local machine.
When you run "chezmoi -v apply," Chezmoi will compare the files and folders in your dotfiles repository to those on your local machine. If there are any differences, such as missing or outdated files, Chezmoi will perform the necessary actions to make your local machine match the desired state described by your dotfiles. This may involve creating new files, updating existing files, or removing unnecessary files.
By using the -v flag, you can monitor the changes being made in detail, which can be helpful for troubleshooting or understanding the modifications being applied.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.