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choco-new: Create a new package with specific 32-bit and 64-bit installer URLs.
$ choco new ${package_name} url="${url}" url64="${url}"
try on your machine

This command is written in a syntax that is used by the Chocolatey package manager. It is used to create a new Chocolatey package.

Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  • choco new: This is the command to create a new Chocolatey package.
  • ${package_name}: This is a placeholder for the name of the package. You need to replace it with the actual name you want to give to your package.
  • url="${url}": This specifies the URL from where the package will be downloaded. You need to replace ${url} with the actual URL of the package.
  • url64="${url}": This specifies the 64-bit version of the package. It is often the same as the regular URL, so it is set as ${url} as well.

When you run this command with the appropriate values for package_name, url, and url64, Chocolatey will create a new directory with the package_name and generate a set of files that make up a basic Chocolatey package. These files will include a nuspec file, which contains metadata about the package, and a ps1 file, which contains any scripts or instructions needed to install or uninstall the package.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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