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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool choco. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Choco, short for Chocolatey, is a command line package manager for Windows operating systems. It enables users to automate software installations, updates, and uninstallations in a streamlined manner.

Choco is built upon the NuGet infrastructure and utilizes Chocolatey packages, which are essentially archives containing all the necessary files for software deployment. These packages can be obtained from the Chocolatey community repository or through hosting your own private repository.

Users can execute various commands with Choco to interact with packages. For instance, "choco install" installs a package, "choco list" displays installed packages, and "choco uninstall" removes a package from the system.

Choco also provides options for customization, including the ability to specify installation directory, version, and ignore dependencies, among others. It supports silent installations, allowing software deployments to be performed in the background without user interaction.

The tool integrates with PowerShell and can be easily extended through various extensions and plugins. It provides a convenient and efficient way to manage software packages on Windows systems, eliminating the need for manual installations and updates.

List of commands for choco:

  • choco-apikey:tldr:0db23 choco-apikey: Display a list of sources and their API keys.
    $ choco apikey
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  • choco-apikey:tldr:5dad4 choco-apikey: Set an API key for a source.
    $ choco apikey --source "${source_url}" --key "${api_key}"
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  • choco-apikey:tldr:d9cec choco-apikey: Display a specific source and its API key.
    $ choco apikey --source "${source_url}"
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  • choco-apikey:tldr:ed504 choco-apikey: Remove an API key for a source.
    $ choco apikey --source "${source_url}" --remove
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  • choco-feature:tldr:195c5 choco-feature: Disable a feature.
    $ choco feature disable --name ${name}
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  • choco-feature:tldr:ab9c1 choco-feature: Enable a feature.
    $ choco feature enable --name ${name}
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  • choco-feature:tldr:b1813 choco-feature: Display a list of available features.
    $ choco feature list
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  • choco-info:tldr:8082d choco-info: Display information on a specific package.
    $ choco info ${package}
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  • choco-info:tldr:90b97 choco-info: Display information for a local package only.
    $ choco info ${package} --local-only
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  • choco-info:tldr:c9052 choco-info: Specify a custom source to receive packages information from.
    $ choco info ${package} --source ${select}
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  • choco-info:tldr:e5ae6 choco-info: Provide a username and password for authentication.
    $ choco info ${package} --user ${username} --password ${password}
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  • choco-install:tldr:14c63 choco-install: Provide a username and password for authentication.
    $ choco install ${package} --user ${username} --password ${password}
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  • choco-install:tldr:1792e choco-install: Specify a custom source to receive packages from.
    $ choco install ${package} --source ${select}
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  • choco-install:tldr:2aa7f choco-install: Confirm all prompts automatically.
    $ choco install ${package} --yes
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  • choco-install:tldr:7a3c0 choco-install: Install a specific version of a package.
    $ choco install ${package} --version ${version}
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  • choco-install:tldr:c4a9e choco-install: Install one or more space-separated packages.
    $ choco install ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • choco-install:tldr:fab32 choco-install: Allow installing multiple versions of a package.
    $ choco install ${package} --allow-multiple
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  • choco-list:tldr:04ea1 choco-list: Display all available packages.
    $ choco list
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  • choco-list:tldr:4811f choco-list: Provide a username and password for authentication.
    $ choco list --user ${username} --password ${password}
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  • choco-list:tldr:7146f choco-list: Display a list including local programs.
    $ choco list --include-programs
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  • choco-list:tldr:bbfc1 choco-list: Specify a custom source to display packages from.
    $ choco list --source ${select}
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  • choco-list:tldr:de7c1 choco-list: Display all locally installed packages.
    $ choco list --local-only
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  • choco-list:tldr:e3dae choco-list: Display only approved packages.
    $ choco list --approved-only
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  • choco-new:tldr:0c760 choco-new: Create a new package with specific 32-bit and 64-bit installer URLs.
    $ choco new ${package_name} url="${url}" url64="${url}"
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  • choco-new:tldr:1655c choco-new: Create a new package skeleton.
    $ choco new ${package_name}
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  • choco-new:tldr:84bcf choco-new: Create a new package with a specific version.
    $ choco new ${package_name} --version ${version}
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  • choco-new:tldr:bedd3 choco-new: Create a new package with a specific maintainer name.
    $ choco new ${package_name} --maintainer ${maintainer_name}
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  • choco-new:tldr:c4a25 choco-new: Create a new package in a custom output directory.
    $ choco new ${package_name} --output-directory ${path-to-directory}
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  • choco-outdated:tldr:4299b choco-outdated: Display a list of outdated packages in table format.
    $ choco outdated
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  • choco-outdated:tldr:48c02 choco-outdated: Specify a custom source to check packages from.
    $ choco outdated --source ${select}
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  • choco-outdated:tldr:875ae choco-outdated: Provide a username and password for authentication.
    $ choco outdated --user ${username} --password ${password}
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  • choco-outdated:tldr:a0772 choco-outdated: Ignore pinned packages in the output.
    $ choco outdated --ignore-pinned
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  • choco-pack:tldr:05228 choco-pack: Package a NuGet specification to a nupkg file.
    $ choco pack ${path\to\specification_file}
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  • choco-pack:tldr:7afb2 choco-pack: Package a NuGet specification specifying the version of the resulting file.
    $ choco pack ${path\to\specification_file} --version ${version}
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  • choco-pack:tldr:f478f choco-pack: Package a NuGet specification to a specific directory.
    $ choco pack ${path\to\specification_file} --output-directory ${path\to\output_directory}
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  • choco-pin:tldr:6bd71 choco-pin: Remove a pin for a specific package.
    $ choco pin remove --name ${package}
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  • choco-pin:tldr:a6853 choco-pin: Pin a package at a specific version.
    $ choco pin add --name ${package} --version ${version}
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  • choco-pin:tldr:e4e47 choco-pin: Pin a package at its current version.
    $ choco pin add --name ${package}
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  • choco-pin:tldr:e6fb0 choco-pin: Display a list of pinned packages and their versions.
    $ choco pin list
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  • choco-search:tldr:487a7 choco-search: Search for a package locally.
    $ choco search ${query} --local-only
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  • choco-search:tldr:5b725 choco-search: Provide a username and password for authentication.
    $ choco search ${query} --user ${username} --password ${password}
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  • choco-search:tldr:8523f choco-search: Search for a package.
    $ choco search ${query}
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  • choco-search:tldr:8bc8c choco-search: Only include exact matches in the results.
    $ choco search ${query} --exact
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  • choco-search:tldr:9a59f choco-search: Specify a custom source to search for packages in.
    $ choco search ${query} --source ${select}
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  • choco-search:tldr:ad2e9 choco-search: Confirm all prompts automatically.
    $ choco search ${query} --yes
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  • choco-source:tldr:08e6b choco-source: List currently available sources.
    $ choco source list
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  • choco-source:tldr:0f262 choco-source: Enable a package source.
    $ choco source enable --name ${name}
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  • choco-source:tldr:3f054 choco-source: Remove a package source.
    $ choco source remove --name ${name}
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  • choco-source:tldr:56f69 choco-source: Add a new package source with credentials.
    $ choco source add --name ${name} --source ${url} --user ${username} --password ${password}
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  • choco-source:tldr:7060b choco-source: Add a new package source.
    $ choco source add --name ${name} --source ${url}
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  • choco-source:tldr:a9a6b choco-source: Add a new package source with a client certificate.
    $ choco source add --name ${name} --source ${url} --cert ${path\to\certificate_file}
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  • choco-source:tldr:b7e5b choco-source: Disable a package source.
    $ choco source disable --name ${name}
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  • choco-uninstall:tldr:6ad64 choco-uninstall: Uninstall one or more space-separated packages.
    $ choco uninstall ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • choco-uninstall:tldr:75d61 choco-uninstall: Remove all dependencies when uninstalling.
    $ choco uninstall ${package} --remove-dependencies
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  • choco-uninstall:tldr:818a7 choco-uninstall: Uninstall a specific version of a package.
    $ choco uninstall ${package} --version ${version}
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  • choco-uninstall:tldr:934c1 choco-uninstall: Confirm all prompts automatically.
    $ choco uninstall ${package} --yes
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  • choco-uninstall:tldr:d1f72 choco-uninstall: Uninstall all packages.
    $ choco uninstall all
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  • choco-upgrade:tldr:08025 choco-upgrade: Upgrade to a specific version of a package.
    $ choco upgrade ${package} --version ${version}
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  • choco-upgrade:tldr:3b2c8 choco-upgrade: Provide a username and password for authentication.
    $ choco upgrade ${package} --user ${username} --password ${password}
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  • choco-upgrade:tldr:5575d choco-upgrade: Upgrade one or more space-separated packages.
    $ choco upgrade ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • choco-upgrade:tldr:76bdc choco-upgrade: Specify a custom source to receive packages from.
    $ choco upgrade ${package} --source ${select}
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  • choco-upgrade:tldr:7c1b7 choco-upgrade: Upgrade all except specified comma-separated packages.
    $ choco upgrade all --except "${package1 package2 ---}"
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  • choco-upgrade:tldr:d862f choco-upgrade: Confirm all prompts automatically.
    $ choco upgrade ${package} --yes
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  • choco-upgrade:tldr:f590e choco-upgrade: Upgrade all packages.
    $ choco upgrade all
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  • choco:tldr:3ec88 choco: Call help on a specific command.
    $ choco ${command} -?
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  • choco:tldr:4f340 choco: Execute Chocolatey command.
    $ choco ${command}
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  • choco:tldr:6fc8c choco: Check the Chocolatey version.
    $ choco --version
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  • choco:tldr:c844c choco: Call general help.
    $ choco -?
    try on your machine
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tool overview