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choco-new: Create a new package skeleton.
$ choco new ${package_name}
try on your machine

This command is used in Windows PowerShell to create a new Chocolatey package.

Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows that allows users to easily install, upgrade, and manage software packages. The "choco new" command is a built-in command in Chocolatey that initializes a new package with some default files and directory structure.

In the command, "${package_name}" is a placeholder for the desired name of the package you want to create. You need to replace "${package_name}" with the actual name of your package.

Once executed, this command will create a new directory with the name of the package and populate it with the necessary files and folders to begin creating a Chocolatey package. Typically, these files include a .nuspec file (used for package metadata), a tools folder (containing any installation or configuration scripts for the package), and possibly other files depending on the package requirements.

From there, you can modify the created files and add necessary components specific to your package. Once you have finished creating the package, it can be built and published using other Chocolatey commands to make it available for installation by other users.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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