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chroma: Highlight source code from `stdin` with the C++ lexer and output to an SVG file, using the Monokai style.
$ ${command} | chroma --lexer ${c++} --formatter ${svg} --style ${monokai} > ${path-to-target_file-svg}
try on your machine

This command involves a few variables and a series of commands being executed together. Let's break it down step by step:

  1. ${command}: Represents a placeholder for an actual command or a script that produces some output.
  2. |: It is a pipe symbol that redirects the output of the previous command (in this case, ${command}) to the input of the next command (chroma).
  3. chroma: Refers to the chroma command-line tool, which is used for syntax highlighting.
  4. --lexer ${c++}: Specifies the lexer to be used for the syntax highlighting. In this case, ${c++} is used as a placeholder for the C++ programming language, which implies that the source code treated as C++.
  5. --formatter ${svg}: Specifies the formatter to be used for the output. ${svg} is used as a placeholder for the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format, which means that the output will be in SVG format.
  6. --style ${monokai}: Specifies the style or theme to be applied to the syntax highlighting. ${monokai} is used as a placeholder for the Monokai style.
  7. > ${path-to-target_file-svg}: Redirects the output of the previous command to a file specified by ${path-to-target_file-svg}. The > symbol indicates that the output is being redirected to a file instead of the standard output (console).

Therefore, when this command is executed, it runs the command or script represented by ${command}, applies syntax highlighting using the C++ lexer, formats the output in SVG, applies the Monokai style, and saves the resulting SVG file to the path specified by ${path-to-target_file-svg}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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