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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ${command}. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


List of commands for ${command}:

  • b2sum:tldr:bb8d3 b2sum: Calculate a BLAKE2 checksum from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | b2sum
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  • b3sum:tldr:365a8 b3sum: Calculate a BLAKE3 checksum from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | b3sum
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  • basenc:tldr:ae17a basenc: Encode from `stdin` with base32 encoding.
    $ ${command} | basenc --base32
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  • basenc:tldr:b493c basenc: Encode from `stdin` with base32 encoding with 42 columns.
    $ ${command} | basenc --base32 -w42
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  • chroma:tldr:5159b chroma: Highlight source code from `stdin` with the C++ lexer and output to an SVG file, using the Monokai style.
    $ ${command} | chroma --lexer ${c++} --formatter ${svg} --style ${monokai} > ${path-to-target_file-svg}
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  • clamdscan:tldr:4b2c8 clamdscan: Scan data from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | clamdscan -
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  • clamscan:tldr:4577f clamscan: Scan data from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | clamscan -
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  • csvkit:tldr:381a1 csvkit: Run a command on a CSV file with no header row.
    $ ${command} -H ${filename-csv}
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  • csvkit:tldr:4c619 csvkit: Run a command on a CSV file with a custom delimiter.
    $ ${command} -d ${delimiter} ${filename-csv}
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  • csvkit:tldr:a06cf csvkit: Run a command on a CSV file with a tab as a delimiter (overrides -d).
    $ ${command} -t ${filename-csv}
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  • csvkit:tldr:c3b1f csvkit: Run a command on a CSV file with a custom quote character.
    $ ${command} -q ${quote_char} ${filename-csv}
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  • cut:tldr:15bc9 cut: Print a specific character/field range of each line.
    $ ${command} | cut --${select}=${select1}
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  • cut:tldr:31da9 cut: Print a range of each line with a specific delimiter.
    $ ${command} | cut --delimiter="${,}" --${fields}=${1}
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  • cut:tldr:8f400 cut: Print a specific character/field range of each line.
    $ ${command} | cut -${select} ${select1}
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  • cut:tldr:d9370 cut: Print a range of each line with a specific delimiter.
    $ ${command} | cut -d "${,}" -${c} ${1}
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  • docker:tldr:43655 docker: Create a new secret from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | docker secret create ${secret_name} -
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  • figlet:tldr:81206 figlet: Pipe command output through FIGlet.
    $ ${command} | figlet
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  • histexpand:tldr:216b6 histexpand: Run a command with the last argument of the previous command.
    $ ${command} !$
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  • histexpand:tldr:f307e histexpand: Run a command with the first argument of the previous command.
    $ ${command} !^
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  • md5sum:tldr:ce782 md5sum: Calculate an MD5 checksum from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | md5sum
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  • mimetype:tldr:5dbb0 mimetype: Determine the MIME type of `stdin` (does not check a filename).
    $ ${command} | mimetype --stdin
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  • nms:tldr:8a2df nms: Clear the screen before decrypting.
    $ ${command} | nms -a -c
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  • progress:tldr:5d366 progress: Launch and monitor a single long-running command.
    $ ${command} & progress --monitor --pid $!
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  • sed:tldr:4c349 sed: Replace all `apple` (basic regex) occurrences with `mango` (basic regex) in all input lines and print the result to `stdout`.
    $ ${command} | sed 's/apple/mango/g'
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  • sed:tldr:7b149 sed: Replace all `apple` (extended regex) occurrences with `APPLE` (extended regex) in all input lines and print the result to `stdout`.
    $ ${command} | sed -E 's/(apple)/\U\1/g'
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  • sed:tldr:ba741 sed: Execute a specific script [f]ile and print the result to `stdout`.
    $ ${command} | sed -f ${path-to-script-sed}
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  • sed:tldr:c733c sed: Print just a first line to `stdout`.
    $ ${command} | sed -n '1p'
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  • sha1sum:tldr:7ddba sha1sum: Calculate a SHA1 checksum from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | sha1sum
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  • sha224sum:tldr:8fdb7 sha224sum: Calculate a SHA224 checksum from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | sha224sum
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  • sha256sum:tldr:65093 sha256sum: Calculate a SHA256 checksum from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | sha256sum
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  • sha384sum:tldr:1070a sha384sum: Calculate a SHA384 checksum from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | sha384sum
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  • sha512sum:tldr:470de sha512sum: Calculate a SHA512 checksum from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | sha512sum
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  • shasum:tldr:0a6c4 shasum: Calculate a SHA1 checksum from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | shasum
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  • shell:warp:08a3f Redirect output of command to a file
    $ ${command} > ${file}
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  • shell:warp:3aa79 Read file contents as input to another command
    $ ${command} < ${file}
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  • shell:warp:91530 Redirect stderr
    $ ${command} 2> ${file}
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  • shell:warp:b6dca Redirect stdout
    $ ${command} 1> ${file}
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  • shell:warp:c370b Redirect output of command to a file by appending
    $ ${command} >> ${file}
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  • silicon:tldr:5baf9 silicon: Generate an image from `stdin`.
    $ ${command} | silicon --output ${path-to-output_image}
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  • slackcat:tldr:6b17d slackcat: Stream command output to Slack continuously.
    $ ${command} | slackcat --channel ${channel_name} --stream
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  • slackcat:tldr:7b1e4 slackcat: Pipe command output to Slack as a text snippet.
    $ ${command} | slackcat --channel ${channel_name} --filename=${snippet_name}
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  • systemd-cat:tldr:84376 systemd-cat: Write the output of a pipeline to the journal (`stderr` stays connected to the terminal).
    $ ${command} | systemd-cat
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  • ts:tldr:1e85e ts: Add [i]ncremental timestamps with microsecond precision, starting from zero.
    $ ${command} | ts -i "${%H:%M:%-S}"
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  • ts:tldr:8e614 ts: Add timestamps with microsecond precision.
    $ ${command} | ts "${%b %d %H:%M:%-S}"
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  • ts:tldr:98372 ts: Add a timestamp to the beginning of each line.
    $ ${command} | ts
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tool overview