chroma: Highlight source code from a file with the Go lexer and output to an HTML file.
$ chroma --lexer ${go} --formatter ${html} ${path-to-source_file-go} > ${path-to-target_file-html}
try on your machine
This command is using a tool called "chroma" to convert code written in the Go programming language into formatted HTML code.
Here is a breakdown of the command:
: This is the command that executes the "chroma" tool.--lexer ${go}
: This option specifies the lexer or syntax highlighter to be used for the code. In this case, it is using the lexer for the Go programming language.--formatter ${html}
: This option specifies the formatter to be used for the output. In this case, it is using the formatter for HTML.${path-to-source_file-go}
: This is the path to the source file containing the Go code that needs to be converted.> ${path-to-target_file-html}
: This redirects the output of the command to a target file specified by the path. In this case, the HTML code will be written to the file specified by${path-to-target_file-html}
Overall, this command essentially takes a Go source file, applies syntax highlighting according to the Go lexer, formats the code as HTML, and then saves the result to a target file as specified.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.