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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool chroma. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Chroma is a command-line tool commonly used for syntax highlighting code. It is built using the Go programming language and provides support for a wide range of programming languages and file formats.

Some key features of Chroma include:

  1. Syntax highlighting: Chroma can automatically detect and highlight syntax elements like keywords, comments, and literals in code files, making it easier to read and understand.
  2. Theme customization: It supports various color themes, and you can customize the output to match your preferred color scheme.
  3. Language support: Chroma comes with built-in support for a large number of programming languages, markup languages, and configuration files. It uses the Linguist library to detect the language of a given file accurately.
  4. Multiple output formats: Chroma can produce highlighted code output in various formats, including HTML, ANSI terminal, and LaTeX, allowing you to integrate the highlighted code into other tools or documentation systems.

To use Chroma, you typically pass it the code file or code snippet as input along with the desired output format and any additional options. It then processes the input and generates the highlighted output.

Chroma is often used as a part of other tools, such as text editors, documentation generators, or as a standalone utility for quickly visualizing code syntax.

List of commands for chroma:

  • chroma:tldr:5fce7 chroma: Highlight source code from a file with the Python lexer and output to `stdout`.
    $ chroma --lexer ${python} ${path-to-source_file-py}
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  • chroma:tldr:b516e chroma: List available lexers, styles and formatters.
    $ chroma --list
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  • chroma:tldr:d0f11 chroma: Highlight source code from a file with the Go lexer and output to an HTML file.
    $ chroma --lexer ${go} --formatter ${html} ${path-to-source_file-go} > ${path-to-target_file-html}
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