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circup: Save all libraries on a connected device in the current directory.
$ circup freeze -r
try on your machine

The command "circup freeze -r" is used in the context of "CircuitPython" - a programming language and environment used for programming microcontrollers. Let's break down the components of this command:

  1. "circup": It is the name of a tool that helps manage CircuitPython library installations on a microcontroller.

  2. "freeze": It is a command used to freeze the current state of the libraries installed on the microcontroller. Freezing means creating a file (typically named "" or "") that contains all the necessary libraries as well as the user's code. This file can be transferred to the microcontroller and executed independently without requiring the libraries to be installed separately. This helps ensure that the correct versions of the libraries are used.

  3. "-r": It is an option used with the "freeze" command to specify that only the required libraries should be frozen, not the entire set of installed libraries. This option is useful when the user wants to minimize the size of the frozen file by excluding unnecessary libraries.

In summary, the "circup freeze -r" command freezes the required libraries on a microcontroller running CircuitPython, creating a single file that encapsulates both the libraries and the user's code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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