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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool circup. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Circup is a command line tool specifically designed for managing Python packages in the CircuitPython ecosystem. It facilitates the process of installing, uninstalling, and updating CircuitPython libraries (also known as CircuitPython bundles) on CircuitPython-compatible devices or boards.

Some key features of circup include:

  1. Easy installation: Circup can be installed via pip, the Python package manager, making it simple to set up and get started.

  2. Library management: It provides commands to install, uninstall, and update CircuitPython libraries. It also allows you to see which libraries are currently installed on your device.

  3. Dependency handling: Circup can automatically handle dependencies between libraries, ensuring that the required dependencies are also installed or updated.

  4. Library discovery: It offers a built-in search function that allows you to find libraries based on keywords or specific library names.

  5. Version control: Circup can track the version of each library installed on your device, and can update libraries to the latest available versions if desired.

  6. Device compatibility: It supports a wide range of CircuitPython-compatible devices, enabling you to manage libraries across different boards with a single tool.

  7. User-friendly interface: Circup provides a command line interface with clear commands and options, making it convenient and intuitive to work with CircuitPython libraries.

Overall, circup simplifies the management of CircuitPython libraries, making it easier for developers to maintain and update their Python packages on CircuitPython devices.

List of commands for circup:

  • circup:tldr:236ad circup: Interactively update modules on a device.
    $ circup update
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • circup:tldr:96209 circup: List all libraries on a connected device in `requirements.txt` format.
    $ circup freeze
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • circup:tldr:d74fd circup: Install a new library.
    $ circup install ${library_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • circup:tldr:db306 circup: Save all libraries on a connected device in the current directory.
    $ circup freeze -r
    try on your machine
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  • circup:tldr:eeb12 circup: Search for a library.
    $ circup show ${partial_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview