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clang: Include libraries located at a different path than the source file.
$ clang ${input_source-c} -o ${output_executable} -I${header_path} -L${library_path} -l${library_name}
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This command invokes the "clang" compiler with several options and arguments. Let's break down each part:

  1. clang: This is the command for the LLVM-based C language compiler known as "clang".

  2. ${input_source-c}: This represents a placeholder for the input source file. The actual value is substituted there. If the value of input_source is not provided, it defaults to "c".

  3. -o ${output_executable}: This option specifies the output executable file name. The placeholder ${output_executable} is replaced with the desired name. For example, if output_executable is "myprogram", the resulting compiled program will be named "myprogram".

  4. -I${header_path}: This flag tells the compiler to include the specified directory for header files. The placeholder ${header_path} is substituted with the desired path.

  5. -L${library_path}: This option specifies the directory path where the linker should search for libraries. The placeholder ${library_path} is replaced with the desired path.

  6. -l${library_name}: This flag tells the linker to link against a specific library. The placeholder ${library_name} is replaced with the name of the library (without the "lib" prefix or the file extension). For example, if library_name is "math", the linker will search for the library "" or "libmath.a".

Overall, this command compiles the provided source file, includes the necessary header files, links against the specified library, and produces an output executable file with the given name.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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