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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool clang. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Clang is a command line tool that serves as a compiler frontend for C, C++, and Objective-C programming languages. It is designed to be fast and efficient, with a focus on generating high-quality object code.

Here are some key features of Clang:

  1. Speed: Clang incorporates several optimizations to make the compilation process faster than traditional compilers. It achieves a faster compile time while delivering comparable or better performance in terms of generated code quality.

  2. Diagnostic messages: Clang provides comprehensive and user-friendly error and warning messages. It aims to provide clear and precise information about coding mistakes, helping developers to identify and fix issues quickly.

  3. Cross-platform support: Clang is designed to work on various operating systems, including macOS, Linux, and Windows. It provides consistent behavior and output across different platforms, making it easier for developers to maintain and port their codebases.

  4. Static analysis: Clang includes built-in support for static code analysis, enabling developers to detect potential bugs, security vulnerabilities, and coding style violations in their code. This helps improve code quality and minimize issues before runtime.

  5. Modular architecture: Clang is built with a modular architecture, allowing it to be easily extended and customized. Developers can leverage its infrastructure to create static analyzers, code refactoring tools, and other language-related tools to enhance their development workflow.

  6. Integration with IDEs: Clang integrates well with integrated development environments (IDEs) like Xcode and Visual Studio Code. This integration enables features like autocompletion, code navigation, and real-time error checking, providing a seamless development experience.

Overall, Clang is a powerful and feature-rich command line tool that offers developers a fast and efficient way to compile and analyze C, C++, and Objective-C code, while providing helpful diagnostics and advanced capabilities for code optimization and static analysis.

List of commands for clang:

  • clang:tldr:2573d clang: Compile a source code file into an executable binary.
    $ clang ${input_source-c} -o ${output_executable}
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  • clang:tldr:6ed62 clang: Include libraries located at a different path than the source file.
    $ clang ${input_source-c} -o ${output_executable} -I${header_path} -L${library_path} -l${library_name}
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  • clang:tldr:7002f clang: Compile source code into LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR).
    $ clang -S -emit-llvm ${file-c} -o ${file-ll}
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  • clang:tldr:d3c87 clang: Activate output of all errors and warnings.
    $ clang ${input_source-c} -Wall -o ${output_executable}
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  • clang:tldr:d59b3 clang: Compile source code without linking.
    $ clang -c ${input_source-c}
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tool overview