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cloud-init: Query cached instance metadata for data.
$ cloud-init query ${dot_delimited_variable_path}
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The command "cloud-init query ${dot_delimited_variable_path}" is used in cloud-init, a widely used multi-distribution package for bringing up a virtual machine in a cloud environment. It allows you to retrieve specific configuration values or metadata information from the cloud-init metadata source.

The command takes an argument, "${dot_delimited_variable_path}", which represents a path to a specific variable or metadata value. The path is given in a dot-delimited format, similar to a file system path. It allows you to traverse the metadata object structure and access specific values.

For example, if you wanted to retrieve the value of a variable named "my_variable" nested inside an object called "my_object", the command would be:

cloud-init query my_object.my_variable

By executing this command, cloud-init will fetch the value associated with the specified variable path and display it as the output of the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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