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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cloud-init. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. cloud-init is a popular command line tool used for initializing, configuring, and customizing cloud instances or virtual machines (VMs) during their first boot.
  2. It is commonly used in cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and OpenStack, among others.
  3. The tool allows users to define and execute cloud instance configurations through user data or metadata passed during instance creation.
  4. cloud-init supports various initialization methods, including scripts written in shell, Python, or other programming languages, as well as cloud-config files written in YAML format.
  5. The configurations defined by cloud-init can include setting up user accounts, SSH keys, network configurations, package installations, executing scripts, and running custom commands.
  6. It provides a unified interface for configuring different aspects of a VM, making it easy to manage and automate the initialization process across multiple cloud platforms.
  7. cloud-init supports both on-demand and instance template-based deployments, allowing users to create reusable configurations for consistent provisioning of instances.
  8. The tool has built-in support for cloud-specific features like instance metadata services, cloud-provider-specific functionality, and auto-scaling capabilities.
  9. cloud-init offers a wide range of modules and plugins that enable seamless integration with different cloud environments and services.
  10. It simplifies the deployment and management of cloud instances by providing a flexible and extensible approach to initialization and configuration, reducing manual setup efforts and enabling faster provisioning of VMs.

List of commands for cloud-init:

  • cloud-init:tldr:2ab9c cloud-init: Query cached instance metadata for data.
    $ cloud-init query ${dot_delimited_variable_path}
    try on your machine
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  • cloud-init:tldr:56393 cloud-init: Clean logs and artifacts to allow cloud-init to rerun.
    $ cloud-init clean
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • cloud-init:tldr:5c3d7 cloud-init: Display the status of the most recent cloud-init run.
    $ cloud-init status
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • cloud-init:tldr:7657d cloud-init: List available top-level metadata keys to query.
    $ cloud-init query --list-keys
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  • cloud-init:tldr:ac4ad cloud-init: Wait for cloud-init to finish running and then report status.
    $ cloud-init status --wait
    try on your machine
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tool overview