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cloud-init: Wait for cloud-init to finish running and then report status.
$ cloud-init status --wait
try on your machine

The cloud-init status --wait command is used to check the status of the cloud initialization process and wait until it is completed.

Cloud-init is a widely used tool in cloud environments to customize and initialize virtual instances. It allows users to perform various configurations, installations, and other tasks when a new instance is launched. These configurations could include setting up SSH keys, configuring network settings, installing software packages, etc.

Running cloud-init status provides information about the current state of the initialization process. However, by default, it just shows the current state without waiting for it to complete. By adding the --wait option, the command will keep executing until the initialization process finishes.

If the initialization process is successful, the command will return the completed status. If there are issues or errors that occur during initialization, the command will display the relevant information or error messages. This can be helpful when automating instance deployments or when you need to ensure that the initialization process has finished before proceeding with further actions on the instance.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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