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cloudflared: Establish a tunnel to a host in Cloudflare from the local server.
$ cloudflared tunnel --hostname ${hostname} localhost:${port_number}
try on your machine

The command cloudflared tunnel --hostname ${hostname} localhost:${port_number} sets up a tunnel using cloudflared, a tool provided by the Cloudflare service. This tunnel connects a specified hostname to a local machine on a specific port number.

Let's break down the command:

  • cloudflared is the command used to invoke the cloudflared tool.
  • tunnel is the subcommand that specifies the action to set up a tunnel.
  • --hostname ${hostname} is an option/flag that tells cloudflared the desired hostname for the tunnel. ${hostname} is a placeholder indicating that you need to provide the actual hostname value.
  • localhost:${port_number} defines the target endpoint for the tunnel. localhost refers to the local machine, and ${port_number} is a placeholder indicating that you need to provide the actual port number value.

To use this command, you should replace ${hostname} with the desired hostname (e.g., and ${port_number} with the port number on your local machine you want to expose (e.g., 8080). This will create a tunnel that forwards traffic sent to to the local machine's port 8080.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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