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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cloudflared. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Cloudflared is a command-line tool developed by Cloudflare that allows you to securely access resources on the Internet by creating a tunnel between your local machine and Cloudflare's network. It is primarily used for accessing websites or services that are hosted behind an infrastructure such as Cloudflare Access or Cloudflare Spectrum.

Some key features of Cloudflared include:

  1. Secure Tunneling: Cloudflared helps protect your data by establishing an encrypted connection between your local machine and the Cloudflare network. This ensures that your traffic is secure and protected from interception or tampering.

  2. Access to Local Services: It allows you to expose local services hosted on your machine to the public Internet using Cloudflare's network. This can be useful for development or testing purposes, allowing you to securely share your locally hosted web applications.

  3. Zero Trust Network Access: Cloudflared integrates seamlessly with Cloudflare Access, a Zero Trust network access solution. By using Cloudflared, you can enforce strong authentication and authorization policies to restrict access to your services.

  4. Enhanced Performance: Cloudflared leverages Cloudflare's global network to optimize and accelerate your traffic. By routing your requests through Cloudflare's servers, it can improve the performance of your connections to servers or services hosted anywhere on the Internet.

Overall, Cloudflared provides a secure and performant way to access and expose resources on the Internet, leveraging Cloudflare's network and security features. It can be used in various scenarios, including securely accessing internal resources, exposing local services, or integrating with Cloudflare's Zero Trust network access solution.

List of commands for cloudflared:

  • cloudflared:tldr:27dc1 cloudflared: Establish a tunnel to a host in Cloudflare from the local server.
    $ cloudflared tunnel --hostname ${hostname} localhost:${port_number}
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  • cloudflared:tldr:9a714 cloudflared: Save logs to a file.
    $ cloudflared tunnel --hostname ${hostname} http://localhost:${port_number} --loglevel ${select} --logfile ${filename}
    try on your machine
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  • cloudflared:tldr:acb51 cloudflared: Install cloudflared as a system service.
    $ cloudflared service install
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  • cloudflared:tldr:ba5a4 cloudflared: Establish a tunnel to a host in Cloudflare from the local server, without verifying the local server's certificate.
    $ cloudflared tunnel --hostname ${hostname} localhost:${port_number} --no-tls-verify
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  • cloudflared:tldr:d9837 cloudflared: Authenticate and associate the connection to a domain in the Cloudflare account.
    $ cloudflared tunnel login
    try on your machine
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tool overview