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cmark: Render a CommonMark Markdown file to HTML.
$ cmark --to html ${filename-md}
try on your machine

The command cmark --to html ${filename-md} is used to convert a Markdown file into HTML format using the cmark tool.

Here's a breakdown of the components of the command:

  • cmark: This refers to the cmark tool, which is a command-line utility for parsing and rendering CommonMark (Markdown) text.

  • --to html: This is an option for the cmark tool that specifies the desired output format. In this case, it instructs cmark to convert the Markdown file to HTML.

  • ${filename-md}: This is a placeholder for the actual filename. The ${} syntax is typically used to reference a variable in shell scripting or command-line interface. In this case, it suggests that you need to replace ${filename-md} with the actual name of the Markdown file (with the ".md" extension).

To use this command, you would need to open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where the Markdown file is located, and then execute the command with the appropriate filename. The resulting HTML file will be created in the same directory as the Markdown file, with a similar name but with the ".html" extension instead.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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