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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cmark. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


cmark is a command line tool that is part of the CommonMark project, which aims to create a highly compatible implementation of the Markdown syntax. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows users to write plain text that can be easily converted into HTML or other formats.

The cmark command line tool allows you to convert Markdown text files to HTML. It handles the CommonMark specification, which includes various features like lists, headers, emphasis, code blocks, links, and more.

Some key features of cmark include:

  1. CommonMark Compatible: It adheres to the CommonMark specification, making it easy to convert Markdown files written in other CommonMark compliant tools.

  2. Fast and Efficient: cmark is designed to be a fast parser and converter, allowing quick processing of Markdown files.

  3. Rich Output Options: You can customize the output HTML by specifying various options, such as adding a table of contents, preserving source position attributes, and choosing the output format.

  4. Extensible and Embeddable: cmark is built with a modular and extensible architecture, making it easy to integrate into other applications and extend its functionality.

  5. Unicode Support: cmark supports Unicode characters, ensuring proper rendering of international text.

Overall, cmark is a powerful command line tool that enables users to convert Markdown files to HTML quickly and efficiently while adhering to the CommonMark specification.

List of commands for cmark:

  • cmark:tldr:3e779 cmark: Convert data from standard input to LaTeX.
    $ cmark --to latex
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  • cmark:tldr:4a849 cmark: Convert straight quotes to smart quotes.
    $ cmark --smart --to html ${filename-md}
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  • cmark:tldr:6f9d4 cmark: Validate UTF-8 characters.
    $ cmark --validate-utf8 ${filename-md}
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  • cmark:tldr:73bd5 cmark: Render a CommonMark Markdown file to HTML.
    $ cmark --to html ${filename-md}
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tool overview