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cockpit-tls: Display help.
$ cockpit-tls --help
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The cockpit-tls command is a part of the cockpit package, which is a web-based server management tool for Linux systems.

When executed with the --help option, the cockpit-tls command provides information about the available options and usage of the command.

Running cockpit-tls --help will display a list of command-line options with brief descriptions. These options may include:

  • --cert or -c: Specifies the SSL certificate file to use.
  • --key or -k: Specifies the SSL private key file to use.
  • --ca or -a: Specifies the SSL certificate authority (CA) file to use.
  • --generate or -g: Generates a self-signed SSL certificate and key.
  • --verify or -v: Verifies the configured SSL certificate against a CA.
  • --set-defaults or -s: Sets the generated certificate and key as the default in Cockpit configuration.
  • --reset-defaults or -r: Resets the default certificate and key to the system-provided ones.
  • --list-defaults or -l: Lists the current default certificate and key.

These options allow managing SSL certificates and private keys used for securing the Cockpit web interface. The cockpit-tls command helps in configuring and maintaining secure communication between clients and the Cockpit server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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