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colorpicker: Launch colorpicker and print the hexadecimal and RGB value of each clicked pixel to `stdout`.
$ colorpicker
try on your machine

The "colorpicker" command refers to a tool or software that allows users to select, identify, and retrieve the color code or values of any pixel or area on the screen. The purpose of this command is to help users work with specific colors by providing them with the necessary information, such as hexadecimal or RGB values.

When you run the "colorpicker" command, a graphical interface is often displayed, usually in the form of a magnifying glass or dropper icon. You can then move the cursor over the desired area, click or hover over it, and the color picker will provide you with the corresponding color code. This code can be useful in various applications such as graphic design, web development, or any other task that involves working with colors.

Color pickers are commonly found in graphic design and photo editing software, as well as online tools or browser extensions. They can simplify the process of selecting, matching, or recreating specific colors across different platforms or software.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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