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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool colorpicker. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "colorpicker" is a utility that allows users to pick or select colors via the command line interface. It enables users to retrieve colors using various formats such as RGB (Red, Green, Blue), hexadecimal, or HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness).

Colorpicker allows developers, designers, or anyone working with colors to quickly identify or specify colors without the need for a graphical user interface. It offers a simple way to obtain a color value by simply running the command and either providing the values or interactively selecting colors from a palette.

This tool can be used in various scenarios, such as scripting, automation, or even in command line image editing processes. It can help with tasks like color manipulation, color matching, color identification, or generating color schemes.

Colorpicker may come with additional features or customization options depending on the specific implementation or version you are using. The tool makes it easy to integrate color functionality into command line workflows, providing a convenient and efficient way to work with colors without the need for a graphical interface.

List of commands for colorpicker:

  • colorpicker:tldr:00921 colorpicker: Print the color of each clicked pixel and quit when a key is pressed.
    $ colorpicker --quit-on-keypress
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  • colorpicker:tldr:25a93 colorpicker: Only print the RGB value.
    $ colorpicker --rgb
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  • colorpicker:tldr:2ea4c colorpicker: Only print the hexadecimal value.
    $ colorpicker --hex
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  • colorpicker:tldr:7e57f colorpicker: Launch colorpicker and print the hexadecimal and RGB value of each clicked pixel to `stdout`.
    $ colorpicker
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  • colorpicker:tldr:f3a7a colorpicker: Only print the color of one clicked pixel and then exit.
    $ colorpicker --one-shot
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