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colorpicker: Only print the color of one clicked pixel and then exit.
$ colorpicker --one-shot
try on your machine

The command "colorpicker --one-shot" is used to launch a color picker tool with a one-shot mode.

A color picker tool allows users to select a specific color from anywhere on their screen. It works by capturing the color value (typically represented as RGB or HEX) of the pixel under the cursor. This can be particularly useful for designers, developers, or anyone working with colors.

The "one-shot" mode means that the color picker tool will only capture a color once, and then close automatically. This is in contrast to the continuous mode, where the color picker remains active, allowing the user to capture multiple colors successively.

By executing the "colorpicker --one-shot" command, you will launch the color picker tool in one-shot mode, enabling you to quickly capture a color value before the tool closes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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