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column: Fill rows before filling columns.
$ printf "header1\nbar\nfoobar\n" | column --output-width ${30} --fillrows
try on your machine

The command printf is used to format and print text. In this case, it is used to print the string "header1\nbar\nfoobar\n".

The "|", called a pipe symbol, is used to take the output of the command on the left and pass it as input to the command on the right.

The command column is a command-line utility that formats input into columns. It takes the input received from printf and formats it into columns based on certain parameters.

In this command, --output-width ${30} specifies the desired width of the output in columns, with a value of 30. This means that the command will try to fit the input into 30 columns as best as it can.

The --fillrows option tells column to fill the rows completely before moving on to the next row. This means that if there is empty space remaining in a row, column will fill it with additional input from the next row.

Overall, this command takes the input string "header1\nbar\nfoobar\n", formats it into columns with a width of 30, and fills the rows completely with input until there is no more input left.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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