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comp: Display differences in ASCII format.
$ comp /a ${path\to\file1} ${path\to\file2}
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The command "comp /a ${path\to\file1} ${path\to\file2}" is used to compare the contents of two files in a Windows operating system.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "comp" is short for "compare," and it is the command to initiate the file comparison.
  • "/a" is an optional parameter that tells the command to compare the files in ASCII text mode. This means that it will compare the files as text rather than binary data.
  • "${path\to\file1}" and "${path\to\file2}" are placeholders for the actual file paths you want to compare. You need to replace these placeholders with the actual paths of the two files you want to compare. For example, if the first file is located at "C:\folder\file1.txt" and the second file is at "D:\folder\file2.txt," the command would be: comp /a C:\folder\file1.txt D:\folder\file2.txt.

Once you execute this command, the system will compare the specified files and provide you with the differences found between them.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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