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compopt: Print the options for the currently executing completion.
$ compopt
try on your machine

The command "compopt" is used in the Linux/Unix shell to manipulate the behavior of a shell completion mechanism.

"Completion" refers to the feature that allows the shell to automatically fill in or suggest options, file names, or commands based on the user's input. For example, when you press the "tab" key after typing a partial command or file name, the shell attempts to complete it for you.

The "compopt" command allows you to modify certain options related to shell completion. By using this command, you can control various aspects of the completion mechanism, such as turning it on or off for specific commands, modifying the completion behavior, or setting completion options for specific variables.

The command syntax for "compopt" is as follows:

compopt [options] command

Here, "options" can include various flags to modify the completion behavior, and "command" specifies the command or alias for which you want to modify the completion options.

Some common options that can be used with "compopt" include:

  • "-o option": Enables the specified completion option for the given command.
  • "-n option": Disables the specified completion option for the given command.
  • "-S style": Sets the specified completion style for the given command.

The available completion options and styles can vary depending on the shell and its configuration.

In summary, the "compopt" command is used to control and modify the behavior of shell completion in Linux/Unix systems. It allows you to enable/disable options and set completion styles for specific commands or variables.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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