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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool compopt. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The compopt command is a built-in command-line tool in Bash that is used to manipulate the options of the completion built-in. It is primarily used to customize the behavior of tab completion in the Bash shell.

Here are ten key points about the compopt command:

  1. The compopt command is similar in functionality to the complete command but provides more fine-grained control over completion options.
  2. It is commonly used in shell scripts and interactive shell sessions for enabling or disabling specific completion behaviors.
  3. The basic syntax of the compopt command is compopt [option] [-o optname] [word].
  4. One of the most common options used with compopt is -o, which specifies that the mentioned option should be turned on for the provided word.
  5. Options that can be set with compopt include bashdefault, default, dirnames, filenames, hostnames, commandnames, bindnames, and many others.
  6. The compopt command can be used to enable or disable completion for specific types of words, like filenames or directories.
  7. It can also be used to specify that certain words should only be completed if they match a specific pattern or condition.
  8. The compopt command can be combined with other completion-related commands and functions to create custom tab completion behavior in Bash.
  9. To get a list of available completion options, you can use the complete -p command, which will display all the completion functions with their associated options.
  10. Using the compopt command requires understanding of the specific completion options and how they modify the tab completion behavior in Bash.

List of commands for compopt:

  • compopt:tldr:45a19 compopt: Print the options for the currently executing completion.
    $ compopt
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • compopt:tldr:8de57 compopt: Print the completion options for given command.
    $ compopt ${command}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview